THIRTY-EIGHT extra police officers are destined for the district.
At a public meeting organised by Chigwell Parish Council on Friday, chaired by Eleanor Laing MP and featuring District Commander Lewis Basford, it was announced four new officers would start work in Epping Forest in April.
A further three would begin in May and then five or six each month throughout the year.
The force increase comes to help tackle crime across the district.
Mrs Laing said: "I share the concerns of the residents of Chigwell who are very worried about the rise in crime levels."
Det Con Basford told the 250 strong crowd he planned to increase door-to-door visits by officers giving home security advice.
Mrs Laing added: "The meeting was lively and lasted for more than two hours. I was delighted there was such a great turnout on such a cold and wet Friday evening - because our greatest enemy is apathy.
"I especially welcome the news that our district is to soon see more officers available to police our streets. These 38 officers are in addition to the three officers which are to be funded by Epping Forest District Council and I have every confidence in our District Commander who is truly committed to our district."